VanaCare Concierge Service Breakdown
Vanasek Insurance Services offers unique support programs to reduce business risk and allow clients to focus their resources on their core endeavors.
Vanasek Insurance Services believes that its relationship with clients is its most important asset and provides the best possible service. At the same time, modern businesses are putting more emphasis on outsourcing non-core support services in order to be more productive. Vanasek’s “VanaCare” Concierge Service is designed to further mitigate commercial risk and shift insurance management to a qualified outside provider.
VanaCare offers two levels of premium support services; VanaCare Gold and Platinum. These programs address the following:
Review of Claims Denied Payment
While Vanasek Insurance Services performs an annual assessment health insurance plans, employees may direct their specific claims inquiry to our attention for personalized review and attention. With proper authorizations executed by the employee, we will directly contact the insurance carrier and work to resolve disputes between the member and carrier for payment. While we cannot guarantee every outcome will be successful, we have an excellent track record of resolving disputes.
VanaCare can provide you with quarterly updates on the latest group health problems affecting your business. VanaCare will also provide you with recommendations on how to solve the problem, prevent a reoccurrence, and what additional coverage may be required.
Review of Explanation of Benefits
VanaCare is also there to support employees to provide advise and counsel on their explanation of benefits after a claim has been incurred. A vast majority of employees do not understand the document and HR does not have the resources to go over each one on a case-by- case basis. VanaCare is there is to supplement your HR and provide additional employee satisfaction when comes to utilizing their benefits and how to best use them.
Review of Medicare/Social Security
VanaCare can provide quarterly or monthly reviews to support employees who may be better served into moving onto Medicare. VanaCare can provide advise and counsel to employees regarding timing of enrollment, what to do with underage dependents, how to deal with Social Security, when to opt for Medicare Parts A and B, what is covered under Medicare, what options are available for the employee in their respective service area, appropriate drug plan coverage, etc. We find this to be invaluable service for employees who opt to stay working longer than anticipated.